Turn Mayonnaise into More – Five Simple Uses for Mayo

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Are you looking to make more with your mayonnaise? Do you have a jar of mayonnaise and want some ideas of how to use it? Or maybe you just made some of your very own homemade mayonnaise and you can’t wait to find more uses for it?

Either way, keep reading. You’ll find five dressings, dips, and spreads that can be made using mayonnaise as a base, just by adding simple ingredients you likely already have.

Freedom in Cooking

Confession…I’m really bad at following recipes. I often find myself starting to make a recipe…following it to a “T”. And then something happens and I go rogue. I add a little extra, or put in a little less of some ingredient. It’s funny, because I’ve always been a rule follower. But not when it comes to recipes….apparently.

My problem with recipes is that they can be limiting, and can inhibit creativity in cooking. My favorite way to use recipes is as a guide, and I freely improvise along the way…either by substituting ingredients for healthier options, or changing an ingredient out for something I have on hand.

Using Mayonnaise

When I first made mayonnaise from scratch, I was so excited. It tasted so much better than any store bought mayonnaise I’d ever had. And it only took a couple minutes, with ingredients I already had on hand. A.MA.ZING. If you want to have a life changing mayonnaise experience, try the recipe.

Then I realized I could use that mayonnaise to create other delicious things…like salad dressings, dips, and spreads for sandwiches and burgers. Below, you’ll find “guides” that you can follow, not specific recipes.

My hope is you’ll make these according to your taste preferences, and that you’ll enjoy the process.

Tools to Use

Related: Essential Tools in My Scratch Kitchen

Guide to Making more with Mayo

It’s simple to make your own dips and spreads just by adding a few ingredients to your mayonnaise. Here are five simple and delicious ways to use mayonnaise (whether you made it yourself or not).

And remember,, go by taste. Put a big scoop of mayo in, then add the other ingredients. Add more mayo if you got too much spice, or add more of the flavorings if you can’t taste anything but mayo. Make it how YOU like it!

Creamy Garlic Dressing (great on green salads)

  • Mayonnaise
  • Water – just to thin it a little bit. It doesn’t take much.
  • Garlic powder

Tangy Aioli (great with fish)

  • Mayonnaise
  • Lemon juice
  • Garlic (fresh or powder)

Spicy Mayo (great for spice lovers)

  • Mayonnaise
  • Sriracha or cayenne (as much as you can handle)

Perfect Fry Sauce (great with these sweet potato fries)

  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Pickles

Herb Sandwich Spread (great on burgers and sandwiches)

  • Mayonnaise
  • A handful of chopped fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil, etc.)
  • Garlic powder

Related: Creamy Cilantro Lime Mayo Sauce Recipe

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A list of five ways to use mayonnaise and turn it into something else.

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